Carlo Alberto
2 min readDec 15, 2021


I’m thrilled to announce that today I joined the brand new Strategic Innovation department at PagoPA SpA, a state-owned company devoted to innovating digital services in Italy and supervised by the Prime Minister.

For all of you who know me and my adventures, this is a very big leap in my professional and personal life; it looks much more than just “changing my skin”.

I have thought a lot about this so highly impacting metamorphosis, but I suddenly realized that is not the first time in my life.

In fact, it took different shapes in the past. For example, when I’ve:

  • started my first business and I still was at the University (from student to entrepreneur),
  • turned me (and my ventures) into a “software product man” (from consulting to software production),
  • flown to the United States and then started my business there (from the “comfort zone” of the place where you were born and raised to a completely “new world”).

All of these moments marked a dramatic change in my life. More than I initially understood and much more long-lasting than expected.

Every single time, I needed to put my skills at the challenge and learned new stuff, faced my fears, embraced the change, and re-framed my mindset. I had to adapt day by day, in every single situation, continuously happening and re-happening. I have unexpectedly become a lifelong learner.

And today, this is coming again.

Welcome change, welcome life.

